“Freedom’s just another word for … an excuse to behave badly.”
When I saw the accompanying picture from Saturday’s Million Moron March, which I swear must have attracted at least 75 percent of the nation’s village idiots, I really wanted to laugh. I couldn’t, though. Too many flags in one place, conflicting meanings.
I’m sort of OK with the snake flag. It has a long history and was at some point an American flag of sorts. And I can live with the miscolored American flag with the blue stripe. It’s about the same significance as the “Support Your Local Police” bumper stickers from the Vietnam era.
But in an election year in which Mississippi voted to change its flag to get rid of the CSA battle flag, I look at the Stars and Bars and I find myself wondering. Are these folks even more backward than Mississippi?
That takes some doing.
As for that last one, do you realize that particular flag is verboten in the country that once went to war under it?
Whenever I see someone with a swastika flag, it tells me several things about them:
1, They probably don’t get laid very often.
2. If they’re employed, it’s probably a job where they wear a name tag.
3. They probably go months without saying anything intelligent.
4. If they voted in the recent election, it was almost certainly for Donald Trump.
Germany has been very good about recognizing that the Third Reich did such evil things that present-day Germans need to be vigilant in making sure Naziism doesn’t make a comeback. If people alive now can legitimately say Adolf Hitler and his minions were before their time, many of them had parents and/or grandparents who went around “Sieg Heil-ing” and looking the other way while the Holocaust was in progress.

Maybe they have at least earned the right to look at it in a satiric way. “Er Ist Wieder Day,” which translates loosely as “Look Who’s Back,” posits Hitler waking up in the 21st century with no idea how he got here. He becomes a television star and is considered the greatest Hitler impersonator in the world.
As Karl Marx once said, “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”
After all, as the Senate’s new village idiot, football coach Tommy Tuberville said, “We went to war in World War II to free Europe from socialism and communism.”
No, coach. National Socialism didn’t mean the Nazis were socialists.
They were fascists, and by the way, the Senate and the House are not two of the three branches of government.
We simply cannot tolerate people displaying Nazi flags. I’m not talking about the government, either. Anyone who has a fighting chance at not going to Hell when they die should scorn people who are proud to be Nazis.
Otherwise, freedom really is just an excuse to behave badly.