Kalawao County, Hawaii, has 86 people. Loving Country, King County and Kenedy County, Texas, have 169, 272 and 404 people. Arthur County, Nebraska, has 463.

Those are the five least populous counties in America.

Los Angeles County has 10,004,300 and is the most populous.

Trumpanzees and young conservative activists think it’s impossible that Joe Biden got more votes than anyone ever despite carrying only about one of every six American counties.

“Captain” Charlie Kirk is my new favorite conservative idiot, at least in part because of his similarities to one of the villains from the old Dick Tracy comic strip. He’s not quite Little Face, but he’s close.

What you need to understand is that these people probably aren’t stupid. They are, however, very cynical and they believe people in general are stupid.

There is simply no way anyone intelligent can believe the 1,394 people in the five counties mentioned at the beginning of this post should have anywhere near the influence of the more than 10 million people in Los Angeles County. My misguided friend Mick believes devoutly in the Electoral College. He says he doesn’t want people in the coastal states running the country.

Still, he has spent all of his life except for part of his early childhood living in those coastal states, and I’m pretty sure even he doesn’t want the country run by rural types whose most meaningful relationships are with sheep and heifers.

The fact is, people like “Captain” Kirk live in the coastal states. Why? Well, my guess is that an evening with a $500 hooker is a lot more enjoyable than one with a $5 heifer.

Seriously, the principle behind our form of government is one person, one vote. We don’t decide every issue by referendum, and when it comes to choosing the people who make the decisions, democratic elections pick those people.

And only people get to vote.

Not heifers or sheep.

Our elections are decided by you, not by ewe.

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