Until a couple of days ago, I had never heard of this vile expression. Then came the January 6th Trump-backed attack on the Capitol and I saw this on some tee shirts. I had no idea what it meant, so I looked it up.

Six Million Wasn’t Enough.

It always comes back to the Jews with these people. It’s getting so you have to admire people who are failures who don’t blame it on the Jews … or the Illuminati … or the shape-shifting alien lizards commanded by Queen Elizabeth II.

It’s why it was so insidious during the 2016 campaign when Donald Trump said, “I love the poorly educated.”

Because if there is a link between prejudice and anything, it’s poor education and low levels of intelligence. These are the people who hear someone say something vile on cable news or talk radio and then say, “Well, they couldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.”

Now that the coup attempt failed, and folks who lost are saying we need a time for healing. Sorry, but it really isn’t possible to move forward without penitence from the people who have worked so hard to destroy our country. At the least, we need to do something about the haters.

We need to make the point that hating people simply because of their race, religion or ethnicity is completely unacceptable. It certainly seems like mankind ought to be progressing toward greater understanding and tolerance. We carry phones in our pockets that have more power than room-sized computers of 60-70 years ago, giving us access to pretty much whatever knowledge there is.

Yet the only part of our brain that seems to be growing — figuratively, of course — is the reptile brain, the “fight or flee” part. We had damn well better stop looking at other people and seeing enemies. We had damn well better stop supporting leaders who are in it for themselves and refuse to appeal to our better ages.

The insurgents, er, Republicans have been trying to quote the greatest Republican of them all by using his Second Inaugural Address, talking about malice and charity.

The Party of Lincoln

Of course you have to figure that they lost any link to Lincoln by using the Confederate flag as part of their iconography.

It has been a long road down since President Eisenhower left office 60 years ago and warned us about the military-industrial complex.

Richard Nixon damaged our belief that presidents told the truth, Ronald Reagan destroyed the progressive income tax, Gee Dubya Bush lied us into war in Iraq and Donald Trump …

Donald Trump?

Historians and scholars will be chronicling his failures for a hundred years.

You know what that means? The best two Republican presidents of the last 60 years were Gerald Ford and Poppy Bush. With Bill Clinton a close third..

America needs you, Harry Truman.

Actually, the guy with the 6MWE tee shirt did us a big favor.

Anyone who’s wondering which side is the right one to support should remember one thing.

Any side that has Nazis is almost certainly the wrong side.

To be fair, though, tee shirt boy should get credit for one thing.

He’s not a holocaust denier.

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