Another reprint from blogs lost during the restore.

Just in case you thought things would get back to normal with Donald Trump gone …

Step up to the microphone, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

And sit down, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Gym Jordan and all you other contenders for the 2021 Bachmann Cup as craziest member of the House of Representatives. There’s a new sheriff in town.

Unless you believe in Jewish Space Lasers, liberals who drink the blood of babies and killing Democrats in Congress, you’re not in Our Little Margie’s league.

After her own party refused to take away her committee assignments, Democrats took the matter to the floor of the House and prevailed, 230-199. Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland showed an enlarged picture of a campaign poster Greene had used last year in her campaign.

It showed a color photo of Greene holding an assault rifle and a black and white photo of three Democratic representatives from the group known as The Squad. The caption at the bottom of the poster read, “SQUAD’S WORST NIGHTMARE.”

All but 11 Republicans voted in Greene’s favor, and I would bet at least a few of them did so because of the precedent it would set to take away a member’s committee assignments.

She tried to apologize without really apologizing, taking back some of her more outrageous comments but not others. She said that of course 9/11 was real, as were school shootings. But she never really apologized, instead she tried to weasel out of her comments.

“I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true,” she said, “and I would ask questions about them and talk about them, and that is absolutely what I regret.”

Allowed to believe?

Greene didn’t apologize for the Jewish space lasers comment, which is actually roughly the same degree of loonitude as Donald Trump saying California is to blame for its own wildfires because it doesn’t sweep the floors of the forests.

So what are Jewish space lasers?

Would you believe … thunder and lightning?

I’ll tell you right now. Things are never going to get back to normal. Too many things have changed, from the Internet to cable news, to fewer people reading to the win-or-else mentality.

In the end, I don’t think Our Little Margie is even in Shelly Bachmann’s league when it comes to glorious looniness, an area where the former representative from Minnesota is an all-time great.

She just doesn’t seem to be having any fun.

Our Shelly always seemed to revel in her loonitude.

The sad part of it is that people way out on the fringes used to try and hide it, running to the middle so they could get more votes.

Not anymore.

Now it’s the wackier the better in many places.

And Our Margie is in one of those places.

It’s a shame she didn’t stay there.

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