“It’s a strange new world when I am rooting for Liz Cheney.”

My long-time friend Christine Worth Miller drew a rueful laugh from me with this post on Facebook this morning, but the laugh wasn’t because she was wrong.

She was right.

When Donald gave his Trumpanzees the message from Mar-a-Lago that from now on, the 2020 presidential election would be known as “THE BIG LIE” (caps his), the Republican representative from Wyoming basically shut him down.

She was already near the top of the list, but my guess is the only Republican Trumpanzees hate more than Cheney at this point is Mittens Romney.

After all, she only voted to impeach Trump once.

Romney voted that way twice.

There is something horrifyingly pathetic about Trump these days. He’s pretty much in exile in Florida, and there have been numerous times when he goes out on the patio at Mar-a-Lago and rants to the dinner crowd about how the election was stolen from him.

But there’s something even more pathetic about Republicans in general, with polls showing 70 percent of them agree with him and say he should be president.

We are faced with a situation unlike anything since the Civil War. There have been plenty of close elections before — closer than Trump’s loss to Joe Biden — but there has never been a losing candidate who continued even past the inauguration saying he actually won.

And Liz Cheney is the only voice of reason among GOP leaders.

The others, from Kevin McCarthy to Matt Gaetz to Gym Jordan to Marjorie Taylor Greene, are all insisting Democrats have somehow stolen the presidency.

With the exception of Ms. Greene, I would ask this question of the others:

“Dudes, who stole your balls?

I was never a fan of Cheney’s father, but there is one thing I would never have accused him of.

Lacking balls.

I wish I could say the 70 percent of Republicans who still worship at the Trumpian altar were somehow stupid or delusional, but I think there’s more to it than that. I think they have essentially given up on America.

There’s an interesting thing about that 70 percent number. A couple of years ago, statistics showed that 70 percent of Americans were at best just getting by.

I’m guessing there’s quite a bit of overlap there, and Republicans do a much better job of appealing to people’s fears. Democrats will propose a program that helps people who are struggling. Republicans answer by saying they believe you can make it on your own if the government will just get out of the way.

Of course Trump was a lot more blunt, appealing to people’s prejudices as well. He says the government took away your $50,000 a year job and gave it to five Mexicans.

So at least in one respect, we’re left to root for Liz Cheney.

As long as she keeps standing up to Trump, there’s hope.

Who knows? Maybe she can get her dad to invite the former president on a hunting trip.

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