If you’re looking for the tiniest of silver linings in this, you could say that at least Marjorie Taylor Greene seems to believe there really was a Holocaust.

She’s a little off in her imagery, though. She says the Nazis made German Jews wear “gold stars,” but gold stars are what good little children get from their teachers in school.

Jews in Germany had to wear yellow, six-pointed stars (of David) with the word “Jude” in the center.

It’s a stupid comparison anyway. The purpose of what the Hitlerites did was to single out Jews and make them easier to identify. Making Greene and the other Trumpanzees wear masks doesn’t single anyone out. In fact, it makes them look just like everyone else.

At least like everyone else with long equine faces.

In any normal time, Greene might already have been expelled from the House of Representatives She has been verbally and physically harassing women on the other side of the aisle, particularly Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York.

AOC, Greene

There’s just one problem, though. The only time I can recall the House expelling a member was Adam Clayton Powell of New York in 1968, and he ran in the election held to replace him and got 86 percent of the vote. Of course, Powell was African-American, and he started serving at a time when the Capitol cafeterias still said “WHITES ONLY.”

The point is that even if Greene were to be expelled, her constituents could vote to send her right back.

I live in an adjoining Congressional district just to the southeast of Greene’s district, and I guarantee you that if she were the Republican nominee in our district, she would be easily elected.

The fault, you see, is not in our stars but in ourselves.

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