I think if I were a conservative — which thankfully I am not — I would be very insulted at how little Trump and his minions think of my intellect.

Particularly cheesehead Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who insists that the January 6th insurrectionists were actually disguised members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The purpose of their attack was to discredit the true patriots, aka Trumpanzees.

Very few things about that make sense, but there are two contradictions that are difficult to ignore.

First, Trump himself said the purpose of the crowd going to the Capitol was to prevent Congress from certifying his election loss to Joe Biden. If that were the case, false flag protesters would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

Trump might argue that the purpose would be to discredit him, but with just 14 days left in his presidency, just getting him out of office would be the sole priority.

The second thing is tougher to ignore. If you look at pictures taken at leftist protests in 2020, many of the people in the photos are … well .. black.

The ones who aren’t black have a certain look to them as well.

They usually aren’t armed.

Even Senator Cheesehead said something about the January 6th insurrection that made his later words ring hollow. He said he would have been frightened if the people storming the Capitol were Antifa or BLM protesters. Since they weren’t, the said, he wasn’t worried.

Sadly, others are parroting the same crap.

The Cheese(head) does not stand alone.

If there is one thing Johnson and his fellow morons understand perfectly, it’s their audience. They know that as long as they pay lip service to the Great Unwashed, they can make them believe anything.

These are not people who believe in bipartisanship or look for common ground.

These are people who want to kill the country we grew up in.

They can only do it if we allow it.

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