If there was ever a president famous for being thin-skinned, it was the Milhous guy.

Richard Nixon seemed always to be thinking people were speaking about him behind his back, and after a while, they were. But even Nixon occasionally showed some humanity.

Dan Rowan, Dick Nixon and Dick Martin

In fact, there was some speculation that his cameo on Rowan and Martin’s “Laugh In” during the 1968 campaign might have been one of the reasons he won.

“Sock it to me?”

Of course that was 53 years ago, and things have changed a lot since then. Dick Nixon had an attractive daughter, but no one ever heard him express lustful feelings for her and speculate that it she weren’t his daughter he might be dating her.

He didn’t spend half his time bragging about how wonderful he was, and while he was tough on his opponents, he didn’t insult them with childish epithets.

Don and Dick

Of course you’ve realized by now that we’re talking about Donald Trump, a man who if he ever told the truth it was by accident. As thin-skinned as Nixon was, Trump makes him look like he’s covered with leather.

Trump is so thin-skinned he’s trying to get the government to go after comedians who make fun of him,. particularly those on “Saturday Night Live.”

Especially Alec Baldwin.

Imagine how happy he must be.

Probably as happy as Stephen Colbert is unhappy for not being mentioned.

Keep trying, Stephen.

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