I have no idea when I first heard the term “bucket list” as a description of things to accomplish before one’s days among the living come to an end.

I know my daughter made one when she was in high school, and knowing Pauline, she will have checked off a good number of items in the generation since she graduated.

I never did one, but I think it might be interesting to think of things I might still like to do or see in what time is left to me. Just for grins, let’s do it alphabetically.

Circular Quay, Sydney

A — Let’s start with the place I’d love to see more than any other, the land down under. Australia is so far away, and there is no place in the world like Oz. The closest I’ve ever been is French Polynesia, which is still a very long way away.

I really envy my son Virgile, who works for the U.S. Foreign Service and has made two different business trips down under, one trip to each side of the continent. Will I ever get there? Probably not, but it’s a nice thought.

I suppose Alaska and Arkansas would be lesser entires under “A,” largely because they are two of the four U.S. states I have yet to visit. Alaska might knock another item off my list, since I have always thought it would be nice to see the Aurora Borealis.

B — Some sort of Boat, perhaps just a nice sailboat, and spend some time on a lake. Certainly not bungee jumping or prison sex (A euphemism; you’ll get the B word). Actually, I do have one thing that comes to mind. There’s a musical instrument I’d purely love to learn.

C — I’ve been to China and I’ve lived in both Carolinas. I would love to go Coast to Coast in a train, or at least from Chicago to Seattle on the Empire Builder.

D — Here’s one I would hate to see come true, because it will only happen if I become a widower. Still, I would love to have another dog in my life. Of the canine variety.

E — I’ve been to Europe six times, including living there for 20 months back in the ’70s, but there are still plenty of places I haven’t been. Should be able to get back at least once more., and most of my priorities for things I haven’t seen are in Northern Europe.

F — The first time I rode the Wild Mouse was probably in 1961 give or take a year, the first time I went to the best of the State Fairs (the F here) in Columbus, Ohio. With the possible exception of 1989, when I went to the California State Fair in Sacramento strictly for the purpose of seeing Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band in concert, I don’t think I’ve ever been to a state fair outside Ohio.

If you want irony, for the last 11 years I have been living within 10-12 miles of where the Georgia State Fair is staged every September. Maybe I’ll try to get there this year or next.

G — Under relatively easy travel, I would like to GO to Arkansas and Mississippi and see two of the remaining four states I’ve never visited.

H — I’ve actually done pretty well with H destinations. I’ve been to Hawaii once, Houston twice, Heidelberg once and Hollywood more times than I can count. I suppose I could put Hong Kong on my list, but I doubt I’ll ever get there.

I — I don’t have any control over this one. It’s totally up to two guys named Ben and Jerry. Some years back, the kings of ice cream came out with a special temporary ice cream that was without question the best flavor I ever tasted. Please, bring back Imagine Whirled Peace so I can taste in again.

J — I’ve been to Jamaica. I’ve seen Michael Jordan play basketball and John Elway play football. Maybe I could journey to two more continents I’ve yet to visit. There are four, but Antartica is a long shot and Australia nearly as much. That leaves Africa and South America.

K — One word describes maybe the toughest thing on this list for me — Karaoke.

L — Lots of great Ls already crossed off — London, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Lahaina, Laguna Beach. I was even married to a woman whose named started with L. The only L that matters now is to love my wife, my children and my grandchildren till the day I die.

M — Hard to believe I lived in Los Angeles for more than 20 years and never set foot in Mexico. Traveling there would be a pretty good M.

Enough for today. We’ll do the other 13 tomorrow.

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