Jesus wept.

It’s the shortest verse in the Bible, and it’s intended in part to show Christ’s humanity. In recent years, it has also become a symbol of extreme frustration or annoyance.

It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Jesus occasionally weeps to see some of the things that are being said and done in his name.

Enter Greg Locke, a Tennessee pastor who seems to be more a part of Qanon than of any legitimate Christian denomination.He insisted God would keep Trump in the White House even though he lost the lection and that the whole COVID thing was nothing more than a hoax.

Then of course there are the tunnels.

Locke insists the area around the White House and the Capitol is riddled with secret tunnels that are used for sex trafficking. The says Joe Biden is a demon-possessed pedophile and that Pope Francis, Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks are all part of the plot.


I can understand a loony right-wing pastor hating Biden. Hey, he’s a Democrat.

I can even understand him hating the Pope. Hey, he’s Catholic.

Oprah? A little more of a reach, but she is black and a woman and by definition to Locke, uppity.

But Tom Hanks?

That’s the equivalent of an evangelist in the ’40s and ’50s hating Jimmy Stewart.

Of course the most bizarre part of it all is that when cases like this come up, they involve people on Locke’s side at least 75 percent of the time.

And folks on the far right are less protective of living children than they are of the unborn.

Anyone who can see Joe Biden as demon-possessed and Donald Trump as a godly man is, as the saying goes, crazier than a shithouse rat.

Such a shame there are no lobotomies anymore.

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