Bill Cosby wasn’t paroled.

He wasn’t granted an early release from prison because he was wrongly convicted.

And while he continues to insist he did nothing wrong and should not have been convicted, nothing really changed it that respect,

Still, Cosby walks free today.

There is a sadness about the case that will resonate for a long time. If you look back 60 years, Cosby was one of the first black men in popular culture to gain acceptance with the overall white audience. He co-starred with Robert Culp in “I Spy,” and he was maybe the most popular standup comedian around without working “blue” at all.

He became a spokesman — actually sort of a scold — urging young black men to behave better if they want widespread acceptance.

He became one of the biggest TV stars of the Reagan years, but it eventually became apparent that there was a dark side to his image. He was a far from faithful husband, and there were rumors about him having less than willing sexual partners. Someone I used to know — call her a friend of a former friend — had a brief sexual relationship with Cosby, but I never heard one way or another that there was anything wrong.

Eventually he went to jail for some of his actions, and this week he was released early.

As I said earlier, his release wasn’t for anything that reflects well on him. In fact, it’s a similar situation to Iran-Contra perpetrator Oliver North having his conviction thrown out.

Cosby’s testimony was wanted in another case, and he was told his cooperation would give him immunity from prosecution in cases against him. Another prosecutor in the same jurisdiction either ignored the immunity or was unaware of it. He prosecuted and sent Cosby to jail, but the conviction was thrown out this week.

I don’t know who they got because of Cosby’s cooperation.

I do know this is often seen as a necessary evil to get convictions.

All I can say is I don’t know about trhe “necessary” part of it.

I do know Cosby will be 84 years old in nine days, and I will be fine never hearing his name again.

Just like the other guy.

Orenthal something or other.

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