“There’s something happening here …”

In six days, it will be exactly one year since my first post launched this website.

It was a couple of months before I was posting mostly on a daily basis, but as we approach day number 365, I have written more than 260 posts on a variety of subjects. Too many of them have dealt with Donald Trump, but you know what they say about squeaky wheels and grease.

Ah, I’m aging. Once was a time I would have said something about Squeaky Fromme getting the grease and smiling at the few people who would get the reference.

At any rate, things were going well in some respects and less swimmingly in others. I was getting 100-150 hits a day, although no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to get people to comment. My brilliant friend Nancy Osborn Nicholas from the 1970s commented on three different posts and my high school friend and neighbor Catherine Baum weighed in on one post.

That’s basically it. For a while I found myself deleting spam comments, but I don’t even get them anymore.

At any rate, the total hits I was getting increased to the point where I was averaging 175-180 a day. I even topped 200 once or twice.

Monday I was stunned to see the number for the day was 264, a record, and Tuesday it soared past 400.

I actually have a chance for 35,000 total hits when the first year ends a week from now. If that number sounds low, there were a lot of days early when I didn’t post at all, and a couple of months in, I lost about 2,000 when we had to reset to an earlier date.

Adios, amigos.

At any rate, I hope to outlast Trump, who is seven years older than I am, and I will do my best to write about subjects that have nothing to do with him.

As for the owl at the beginning of the post …

A different look.

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