If you don’t like someone, probably the worst thing you can wish on them is poor health.

Aggravating physical conditions are one thing, but if enmity is involved, conditions that are humorous and/or embarrassing, that’s even better. Explosive diarrhea, projectile vomiting, chronic flatulence, frequent incontinence are among the most embarrassing.

Brazilian strongman Jair Bolsonaro has been hospitalized for something a little farther down the list of goofy ailments. For the last 10-12 days, Bolsonaro has had a 24/7 case of the hiccups.

That sounds horrible to me. I have had the hiccups many times, and I’ve either gotten rid of them through holding my breath or drinking water one swallow at a time. I did have one very frightening experience — to me, at least — where I couldn’t get them to stop for nearly 30 minutes.

Thankfully, that only happened once.

The further into grandpahood I go, the risk of the really embarrassing stuff increases.

The only one that seems to crop up from time to time is the gas, but it isn’t as if I’m out in public all that much.

At least I’m not worried about COVID-19 . It has been four months since I was vaccinated and I don’t put myself in risky situations. But as more and more Trumpanzees seem to be seeing refusal to be vaccinated as a political statement.

And now 46 states have vaccination rates sinking and the same number of states have the number of cases of COVID-19 climbing.

What do we prove by this?

Other than hanging onto our crown as the stupidest so-called smart nation in the world, not much.

But we’ve been that for quite some time.

It won’t get any better.

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