Welcome to Donald Trump’s America.

Or it might be more accurate to say welcome to Vladimir Putin’s America, courtesy of his useful idiot Donald Trump.

Don’t kid yourself.; It was four years of Trump in the White House and nine months of him lying that left us where we are today, looking back at a weekend in which 150 people died in shootings about the country.

The one that drew the most attention was one in which no one died. Fans were enjoying themselves watching a ballgame between the Washington Nationals and the San Diego Padres when gunshots were heard outside the stadium.

Ballplayers on both teams deserve a lot of credit for helping children into the dugouts just in case the shooting started inside the stadium.

In the end, only three people were injured. The game was suspended with three innings still to be played and was completed the next day.

But in all sorts of other places, there were no ballgames. Just gun-toting morons with horrible lives taking out their frustration killing people they didn’t even know.

The happiest guy in the world about all this has to be Putin. A psychotic America fits his plans entirely.

It’s certainly possible that Trump is a willing assistant in all this. He was never going to be remembered by history as a man who made America great again, but it might be just as thrilling for him to be the man who destroyed America.

If that isn’t his goal, he needs to speak up and shut down the craziest of his minions.

Otherwise, he’s going to be remembered along with Benedict Arnold and the others who tried to damage America.

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