Remember when Republicans used to be the party of big business?

When I was younger, folks used to oversimplify things by saying Democrats were the party of the union halls and Republ;icans the party of the country clubs.

That doesn’t seem true anymore.

At least when it comes to Republicans, I feel like they’re the party of … well … Republicans and the people who donate to their campaigns.

I hate to keep picking on Donald Trump …

No you don’t.

…but in the year and three months since he left office, all he has been doing is raising money and complaining about how the election was stolen from him. In looking ahead to 2024, he never talks about what he would accomplish if returned to the White House.

He just whines.

Lesser politicians around the country seem to have actual issues, but they aren’t ones that really affect most Americans. They’re the so-called “culture war” issues that no one really cares about except the far right wing.

Issues like critical race theory.

What? There was actually racism in our history?

Issues like hiding the fact there are gay people.

Nope. They’re not gay. They’re dee-generates.

Issues like wearing masks agains the pandemic.

Look at Florida, where right-wing Gov. Ron DeSantis wants desperately to replace Trump as America’s Boogeyman. DeSantis and his minions in the legislature are doing after the Walt Disney Co. essentially for being humane and progressive on culture war issues. Republicans just rammed through cancellation of Disney’s special tax status.

Even wackier, the state just threw out arithmetic text books because they ran afoul of critical race theory.

No, really.

Maybe they said something about how black people only counted as three-fifths of a white person at the time of the Constitution.

Right wing Fox personality Laura Ingraham threatened Disney and Apple, saying that if Republicans regain power in Washington, companies might be surprised at how the GOP comes after them.

So who votes Republican?

Who benefits?

Only Republican officeholders and their supporters.

Certainly not American or American families.

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