Vive la France.

Let’s see. You’ve got a country where the president isn’t all that popular, where the economy is struggling, where there’s an opposition candidate who wants to end immigration and who loves Vladimir Putin.

Sound familiar?

In our country, you get Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan and Klan Mom, just to name a few.

In France, the moderate president is re-elected and the far right candidate is widely rejected. This is a country that hadn’t re-elected a president in a generation.

Are they really that much smarter than we are?

Well, duh.

Of course they are.

It’s not like Trumpanzees are popular all across Europe, but the people really don’t have much use for him in France. One of the low points of his presidency outside the U.S. was when he chose not to go to an American cemetery in Northern France for a D-Day commemoration because the rain would give him bad hair for the cameras.

Part of his problem is probably his ancestry. While Trump’s family is Irish on his mother’s side, his dad’s side is pure Kraut. Of course he used to lie about it, saying his grandfather had immigrated from Sweden.

Uh, no, Don. You’re from the uber alles guys.

It wasn’t a book of ABBA’s Greatest Hits he kept by his bedside for reading material. And it was probably just a rumor, but when Ivana talked him into his firstborn getting the name Junior, Don’s original choice started with an A and ended with an f.

Seriously, France does have the equivalent of Trumpanzees. Right wing candidate Marine LePen did get more than 40 percent of the vote against incumbent President Emanuel Macron, but no one east of Mar-a-Lago is claiming there was election fraud and she really won.

A big part of it is that the French are far less gullible than Americans.

They don’t have news outlets like Fox either.

They don’t have major media networks out-and-out lying to their viewers.

So hey, vive la France.

And wake up, America.

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