I certainly hope all the work Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene are doing to rejuvenate the Ku Klux Klan is being appreciated by their fewllow scum.
Boebert and Greene are two of the most famous female Trumpanzees, and neither of them have particularly distinguished themselves in the House of Representatives. Boebert first became known for refusing to wear deodorant and Greene for introducing article of impeachment against President Biden on Inauguration Day.

Both women associated themselves with assault weapons, with Boebert sending out Christmas cards in which all her children were armed.
Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel tagged Greene with the name Klan Mom, and she retaliated by reporting him to the Capitol Police for threatening her.

Of course Boebert had to be in the news too. I doubt there are that many people taking their children to drag bars, but truth isn’t really a factor with the Colorado Congresswoman.
Unfortunately, she has a bit of vulnerability through her husband.
I don’t know if Jo on Twitter was the first one to throw the name Klannie Oakley at Boebert, but it’s a beauty.
The only thing is, until Greene and Boebert came along, the Klan really hadn’t been in the news for a while. Ameriocan Nazi types got most of the hype during the Trump years.
But the Klan never really dies.
It’s as American as, well, the Second Amendment.