“We are living through what feels like the end of America.”

I never thought I would agree with Ginni Thomas on anything.

In fact, learning I feel the same way about something with the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas is almost as bad as discovering that America’s Rodent, Dinesh D’Souza, is a distant cousin.

Thankfully, he’s not. I’m not related to any members of the rodent family.

Sadly, Thomas is another story. I find myself agreeing with something she wrote, although for a very different reason. In a text message she wrote to White House aide Mark Meadows after the January 6th insurrection, she expressed her disgust with Vice President Mike Pence for refusing to help Donald Trump steal the 2020 election.

Wrote Thomas, “We are living through what feels like the end of America.”

Gee, it really is true that a stopped clock right right twice a day.

I agree with Thomas on the 11-word text at the beginning of this piece, but the difference between us is that I think the possible end of America is because of people like Ginni Thomas.

I can understand uninformed Trumpanzees thinking that maybe what the election stealers on the right have been saying might be true. When you get all your news from Fox and talk radio, you’re going to wind up misinformed.

But Thomas is the politically active wife of a Supreme Court justice.

She has no excuse. Unless she is criminally insane, a status I reserve for Big Don himself at this point, she knows what she is peddling is a lie.

The naive among us might ask why people would lie in these instances. Sadly, it’s quite simple.

Think of a family waiting for its elderly patriarch to die. Everyone is gathering around to make sure that when the time comes, they get what’s coming to them. Maybe a share of the estate, maybe a beloved heirloom or maye just something of sentimental value.

There is so much debt — so much bad debt that can never be repaid — out there that at some point, there will be some sort of economic cataclysm. And “at some point” isn’t the same as “at some point, Jesus will return.”

That might be tomorrow and it might be a thousand years from now. The bills will come due on our economy some time this century, more likely sooner rather than later. Folks like Ginny and other right-wing insiders intend to be inside the castle looking out when that happens.

So she and others like her lie, and the convince themselves they are on the side of right because the ends justify the means.

Of course, everyone from Caesar to Hitler to Trump convinces himself that what he wants is what’s right.

So why shouldn’t Ginny Thomas feel the same way?

If America isn’t what she thinks it should be, it’s ending?

Actually, not really.

Thomas and people like her aren’t defenders of America.

They’re the ones killing it.

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