What is the most important constitutional right an American citizen has?

It isn’t freedom of speech, press or religion. It isn’t the right to assemble peaceably. And contrary to what the gun nuts would say, it isn’t the right to keep and bear arms.

The most important right we have as Americans is one so basic that many of us completely take it for granted — the freedom to travel within the country without passes or permission.

This week’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade demonstrates just how important that right is. A woman’s right to have an abortion will be eliminated or at least severely restricted in several dozen states., but a woman in need of an abortion in a state where it’s illegal should be able to travel to a state where it’s legal.

In fact, in his concurrent opinion after voting to overturn Roe, Justice Brett Kavanaugh suggested that women could do exactly that to get abortions. Some states are already attacking that, at least obliquely. Texas and Oklahoma have passed laws enabling people to sue people who aid women in getting abortions.

Bus drivers beware?

Actually, travel wasn’t always as free. During the Great Depression, California prevented poor families from the Dust Bowl states from entering the state unless they had jobs waiting for them or were financially solvent. And of course, African-Americans fleeing slavery couldn’t legally leave the southern states for the north.

But as far as women wanting to travel to other states to get legal abortions in the post-Roe world, money will be the problem for many of them. This is where employers come in, and some are stepping up to the plate early.

I will say that while I’ve shopped at Dick’s before, it was always just when it was convenient. But after seeing this, I will go out of my way to fill my sporting goods needs there.

Anything to help other Americans exercise their legitimate rights.

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