You may have heard that we’re a little more than three months away from Republicans taking back control of Congress from the Democrats.

Apparently voters have realized they made a horrible mistake in voting out Donald Trump and taking control of Congress away from the GOP.


They’d rather have great Americans like Josh Hawley, Gym Jordan and Klan Mom in charge and courageous patriots like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy running Congress.


Yes, the odds are very good that some of the worst people in government will be back in charge, and there’s even the possibility that Trump himself might be back in 2025.

Why? Because the borderline fascist hard right VOTES.

Every time.

They’re not the majority and they’re becoming less and less of one all the time, but they VOTE.

Every damn time.

They vote for school board, city council, state legislature and every other election that those on the other side don’t care enough to worry about.

And they vote their fears. Fear is a great motivator when it comes to action, and there are millions of right-wing voters scared to death of African-Americans, immigrants and gay people.

Most of the candidates who play to those fears couldn’t care less about those issues. For them it’s all about money and power.

Maybe this year will be different for voters on the left. Maybe they’ll be fired up enough by the neo-fascist Supreme Court and horrific rulings on abortion and guns that they’ll vote. Maybe Democrats can at least hold the Senate. Otherwise McConnell has hinted that if he is majority leader again, he won’t let Joe Biden fill judicial vacancies.

For all the talk about Trump being the one to destroy our political system, McConnell bears a great deal of blame. He’s an 80-year-old man from a relatively insignificant state and he essentially stole two Supreme Court seats for Republicans.

It is absolutely crucial that Democrats turn out their votes in the states with highly contested Senate elections. Rules that allow senators from the opposition party to refuse to allow the Senate even vote on the president’s agenda are ridiculous and need to be changed.

Of course, none of that will happen if people on the other side are the only ones who turn out the vote every time.

Sadly, we’re getting fairly near the last chance to stop them.

Otherwise, it won’t be possible.

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