I have been fortunate enough to have two books published in the last 12 months.
One, a comedic look at professional football, was co-written with my lifelong friend Bill Madden. He wrote most of the original draft and I expanded and polished it.
When it was published last August, and I opened the first copy I received from Amazon, it was maybe the single best feeling I had in my life that didn’t involve love for another person.

We haven’t done a whole lot of promotion for it, other than an interview on the radio station where Bill works in western Pennsylvania. It’s available on Amazon, either in paperback or for Kindle, and I’m pretty sure you would enjoy it.
The other book, “A Whiter Shade of Pale,” was mine alone in the creation and I suppose I would have to call it my magnum opus, at least so far. I know I told myself time and again that the one thing I had to accomplish before I died was to get this book published.

I hope some of you will order one or both of the books from Amazon, or the Kindle editions if you want to save money.
I have five or six copies of each, and if you would like one of them, put your name and address in the comments and I will send you one. All I ask in return is that you go on Amazon and write a review of the one you read.