Who would ever have figured it?

I have completely changed my mind about building Trump’s wall.

Well, not completely. I do favor building a wall people cannot climb or cross, so that it keeps them out of the United States.

I just want to build it from Atlantic Ocean, all along the Georgia-Florida border, hooking south to the Gulf of Mexico at the Alabama border.

I want to quarantine Florida.

America’s new southern border.

It isn’t just politics. Barack Obama carried the state in both 2008 and 2012, and different parts of the state send Democrats to Congress. But Republicans sit in the governor’s mansion and both Senate seats, and they’re not just Republicans — they’re grifters.

Governor Ron DeSantis — yes, Death Sentence just jumps out at you for a nickname — wants very badly to be president, and he’s going to appeal to the lowest common denominator to get there.

Florida is in process of dumbing down its schools. For example:

If there’s one thing that’s obvious in all this, it’s about control.

It’s about telling children what they can’t read.

What they can’t think.

What they don’t do.

Kansas City, KS, library

It’s difficult to imagine the above library anywhere in Florida. Just about all the books making up the facade in the Kansas City library have been or would be banned somewhere in the Sunshine State.

How can you educate children by hiding the truths of history from them?

Was the racism in “To Kill A Mockingbird” a lie?

Are kids who read “Harry Potter” turning to devil worship?

And if they learn that Heather has two mommies, will it turn them gay?

And how on earth can anyone in good faith object to children reading “The Diary of Anne Frank?” I mean hey, the Nazis killed the young Jewish girl who wrote the diary.

Florida may be just the start. Chances are we may have to do something about Texas too. One school district in the Lone Star State reportedly is renaming slavery as “forced relocation” in its history classes.

In his protest song after the murder of three civil rights workers, Phil Ochs told Mississippi to find itself another country to be part of.

Seems like that might be good advice for the right wingers in Florida and Texas trying to change their states into something truly un-American.

Find yourself another country to be part of.

We don’t need you.

Or want you.

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