So it has come to this.
America’s worst president — heck, one of America’s worst humans — is demanding to be reinstalled as president 664 days after losing his bid for re-election by more than seven million votes.
Donald Trump now seems to be saying it is all about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
He started posting on his own site Monday.

He just gets worse and worse, sliding further and further into delusion and insanity.
I’m not aware of any time in history when a democratic nation installed the candidate who lost nearly two years after the election was settled. Especially one who lost more than 60 court challenges to the results.

Trump seems to be a symptom of a national psychosis. There are millions of people who seem to believe government will never benefit them in any way, so why not put someone in office who will tear it all down.
The real problem is there are millions of people who want an authoritarian government that will come down hard on the people they hate.
Trump isn’t the real problem. He’s 76 years old, morbidly obese and living on a horrible diet. My guess is it’s only 50-50 he’ll even be able to run for president in 2024.
The real problem is the competent authoritarian who follows him.
Whoever that is.