What are some of the qualities that make up a good person?
What are the characteristics you would want to have … or you would want the people you associate with to have?
Let’s start with the most important one of all.
If there’s one thing absolutely necessary in interpersonal relationships, it’s being able to believe that if someone tells you something, it”s the truth. Otherwise it isn’t possible to have any real foundation.
Good people have compassion when other people are suffering. There’s a phrase than ought to sum it up perfectly.
There but for the grace of God go I.
It’s easy to claim that you’re the only one responsible for your success and that those who don’t succeed should own up to their own failures, But how do you blame people who work hard for years and years only to have their employer relocate to another state or another country?

Respect for others, especially for people below you on the spectrum.
The deal with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his shipping Latin Americans to Massachusetts to “own the libs” has been a big deal with right-wing cartoonists.
“Those hypocritical libs called out the National Guard.”
Not exactly. Yes, the Massachusetts National Guard did show up at Martha’s Vineyard, where DeSantis had tricked 48 would-be immigrants from south Texas by telling them there would be good jobs and good homes. But the reason the Guard came was to make sure DeSantis’s victims were well-fed, decently clothed and had a good place to sleep.
The people of Martha’s Vineyard had something DeSantis and his minions didn’t.
Respect for others.
Those are the three major virtues — honesty, compassion and respect.
And Donald Trump is the poster boy for the lack of those three qualities.
Trump even craps on the people he supports. Senate candidate J.D. Vance is running behind in Ohio, and Trump came to his rescue.
Sort of. Trump reminded his audience that Vance had been a so-called Never Trumper, and now that he needed Trump, he was kissing Trump’s ass to get his support.
I know I’ve said this before, but I thank God he didn’t make me a Republican.