If there’s one lesson Republicans have tken from Donald Trump that hasn’t served them particularly well, it’s refusing to apologize for mistakes.
If you can’t say you were wrong, you have only two choices.
You can say you weren’t wrong …
… or you can say you never did it.
People used to be unfairly accused of being dumb when all they really were was sort of goofy. Lyndon Johnson used to say Gerald Ford was so dumb he couldn’t fart and chew gum at the same time. Actually, Ford had finished law school in the top third of his class at Yale.
Sadly, though, once he had the bad timing to stumble and fall getting off Air Force One during the first season of “Saturday Night Live,” Ford was doomed. If only he could have learned from Donald Trump. He couldn’t have denied even falling.
“But sir, we saw it.”
“You gonna believe me or your lyin’ eyes?”
If you compare Ford to modern-day Republicans, he looks like Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein.

Then there’s Herschel Walker.
In the history of Georgia athletics, Walker is one is one of the biggest names. Until the Bulldogs won the NCAA football title last year, he was the star of the greatest season in UGA history. He went on to success in the National Football League, but has been out of the spotlight since.
But in a state where African-American voters are becoming more important and where Democrats have black candidates for both governor and U.S. senator, Walker is back on stage.
Sadly, Georgia Republicans decided that since Walker was black, famous and not too bright, he would be the perfect candidate for the Senate. And of course, Trump loves him.
Of course, it turns out that like Trump and so many Republicans these days, there’s a big difference between image and reality when it comes to Walker.
Ask his son.

And of course in a state where the anti-abortion crowd holds sway, where Walker insists he is strongly pro-life, the other shoe dropped this week when a former girlfriend says she has proof that Walker paid her to abort his child.
Walker says she’s lying.
But …
Just as another football star from the same era, George Rogers of South Carolina, made the idiotic move of writing a personal check to buy cocaine, Walker not only wrote a check to the woman to pay for the abortion, he sent her a get-well card as well.
Sadly, it won’t matter much.
The bulk of Georgia Republicans would vote for Satan himself if that was what Trump wanted. All that matters to them is the additional Republican vote in the Senate.

Just as in the picture above, Herschel Walker is clearly out of his league.
He can, however, follow orders.
That makes him a perfect Republican senator.