“Respect your betters.”
Most of the people who like to throw that expression around are better at only one thing than people a lot less “better.” They were fortunate enough to choose the right grandfather.
If fact, I’ve never known anyone who was truly better than me who had to say something like that to get my respect.
And anyone who tells you over and over again how wonderful he is and how much everyone should appreciate him is someone who definitely has big problems with self-respect.
Do we know anyone like that?
We’re three weeks away from an election that will mean a lot more than many people realize. It looks very likely that Republicans will gain control of the House of Representatives, which means President Biden will get exactly nothing through Congress for two years.
Democrats seem to have a better chance of maintaining control of the Senate. but if they should lose control,
Republican leader Mitch McConnell has said he may not allow any judicial nominations to be considered for the next two years.

And of course, the spectre of Donald Trump hangs over it all. It has become painfully obvious that Trump has no ethical standards at all and will do whatever it takes to advance his own position.
In 2016 Trump said he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes.
In fact, I have a feeling if he wins the 2024 Republican nomination, he could pull a gun in the middle of one of the presidential debates and shoot his Democratic opponent and not lose one vote from anyone who was already intending to vote for him. He might not be able to escape punishment if Joe Biden is his opponent — there are laws against shooting the president — but I’m not even sure he couldn’t beat that rap.
In the 1960s, when Lyndon Johnson was losing favor, there was a particularly vicious political button.

Is Trump due our respect … or is he due our fear as someone who has little or no respect for our American system?
It’s a shame Carl Weiss isn’t around anymore.