There was a time in this election cycle that I was fairly optimistic.

Not anymore.

There isn’t one purple state where the news is getting better recently, and there are even a few blue states in which I’m hearing of developments that make me cringe.

I live in the state with two of the absolute worst candidates in the country, and at least one of them is a lock to win. There is simply no way Marjorie Taylor Greene, aka Klan Mom, will not be re-elected to Congress, and there’s about a 50-50 chance Repubicans will be able to steal a Senate seat for Herschel Walker.

If they do, kiss the Senate goodbye.

As thins stand right now, I’d say the chances Democrats have of holding the House of Representatives is maybe 20-25 percent.

Without the House, no bills pass Congress.

Without the Senate, no judges get confirmed.

It isn’t a question of this being just another election where we can swing back the other way in 2024. Republicans all across the country have been making laws to make it more difficult for non-Republicans to vote. The more elections they’re able to steal, the easier it becomes to steal even more elections.

It’s difficult to imagine Republicans being able to steal states like California or Massachusetts, but it isn’t at all difficult to picture people in California and Massachusetts not wanting to be part of the same country as Texas or Florida.

It’s difficult to imagine the country choosing to split in two, but it’s even more difficult for me to picture that the America I grew up in has split so horribly in the way we look at each other and see something awful.

I cannot picture an America in which so many people admire Donald Trump.

I cannot picture an America in which people vote against their own interests just because it hurts the people they hate.

Maybe we need to hit rock bottom before we can start back.

Or maybe we’re coming to the end of it all.

Maybe we got too stupid to be free.

Or at least too ignorant and apathetic.

I guess we will see in 18 days.

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