“There’s a place for us, somewhere a place for us. Peace and quiet and open air wait for us somewhere.”
I was 11 when the first “West Side Story” movie came out, and the poignant song “Somewhere”might have been the first song that ever broke my heart.
Tony and Maria are coming to realize there won’t be anywhere in New York City that will accept the two of them as a couple and will allow them to love each other in peace.
As we approach this November’s midterm elections, in one respect it isn’t going to matter at all which side wins.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. Whatever the results we see in two weeks, millions of people will be ecstatic and millions of others will be horrified. I’m figuring that second number might be as high as 80 percent of the country.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think the country is split 80-20, either to the left or the right.
I’d say 20-20 on the split with 60 percent in the middle who are somewhat horrified with both sides.

Think of all the people you know who really care about politics and ask yourself what their reaction will be in their side loses on November 8th. Then think about how they’ll react if their side wins.
I’ll bet that in most instances — unless they’re the actual candidate winning or losing — the joy of winning will be a lot less than the despair of losing. In modern-day America, nothing is ever really settled anymore. You win an election and even if your opponent admits you won, you have to start right away battling for re-election.
Is there a place for us?
Is there a place of peace and quiet and open air, literally or figuratively, for modern day Americans? Is there a way to move beyond the fanatics and take our lives back from the plutocrats?
Well, there had better be.