When it comes to living day to day lives, most folks play by the rules.

They lead lives of ethics and honesty, and if they have one true flaw, it’s believing that other people who aren’t honest really are deep down.

Call it gullibility or naivete, but they hurt themselves more than anyone else. And in the process, they empower people who are truly evil and basically un-American, people whose only motives are money and power.

Most of these people — the Tucker Carlsons, the Laura Ingrahams, the Dinesh D’Souzas — lie without compunction, telling their audiences exactly what will work them up the most.

D’Souza is without question the worst of them, at least in part because he doesn’t have to pretend he’s a journalist. His books and movies go well beyond opinion and contain an unbelievable amount of out-and-out lies.

He might have reached a new low — truly difficult for someone who has no rock bottom — with his comments on the criminal attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul in San Francisco.

A 42-year-old Trumpanzee broke into the Pelosi home in the middle of the night and attacked sleeping Paul Pelosi with a hammer.

David DePape told the FBI he wanted to break Nancy Pelosi’s kneecaps so that those opposing Trump in Congress would see there were consequences to their actions.

Of course, the folks who want nothing more than to support Trump and own the libs can’t allow the truth to stand. They started a rumor that DePape was in the house by invitation — as a gay prostitute — and he attacked the 84-year-old Pelosi in a dispute over payment.

D’Souza said without evidence that he believed DePape was a sex partner, maybe paid or maybe unpaid.

The problem is that some lunatic can say something outrageous, and then the right wing media types say, “People are saying …”

Which, of course, is where Donald Trump comes in. The former president told an audience in Philadelphia that what had happened was terrible, but said there were inconsistencies in the evidence that were suspicious.

His idiot son wasn’t even that subtle. Don Junior, who has not yet been banned by Twitter, was disgusting when he said he had his Paul Pelosi Halloween costume, and posted a picture of a hammer and a pair of underpants.

Don Junior

Don Junior is a disaster, someone who has never done anything impressive yet still shows up on top 10 lists for the 2024 Republican nomination if Daddy decides not to run. Of course him actually getting the nomination would require a “King Ralph” moment when John Goodman’s character becomes king of England when all the other members of the royal family are electrocuted during a family photo.

If you look at presidents or candidates having a certain level of class, the 45th president would be way down on the list. But if you compare Big Don to Little Don, Dad looks like John F. Kennedy and Sonny looks like Soupy Sales.

If Junior has ever made appearances or done interviews in which he has displayed the intellectual ability of a city councilman, let alone a president, I’m unaware of it. He makes Dan Quayle look like Stephen Hawking and makes Sarah Palin look like Marie Curie.

No public service, no military service, little or no charisma or personal magnetism.

In fact, there’s really only one far-fetched possibility in which I could see Junior getting into the mix. If Daddy decides not to run and tells his Trumpanzees to support Junior, they might make him a contender.

Still, I can’t imagine Junior building on that support. I have to figure his wildest-dream upside would be to be No. 2 on a Ron DeSantis ticket.

And to that end, the Paul Pelosi incident won’t help.

It’ll be interesting enough to see if it has any effect in next week’s midterms.

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