Short takes from a journey through a disorganized mind:

IN A DIFFERENT WORLD: Eisenhower is an African-American lieutenant, Hitler is an occasional drag queen, King George is an idiot, the man we knew as Sir Winston was an actor named Roy Bubbles and Winston Churchill was a young American Marine.
Yes, there are rare movies that are so absurd, so goofy that they are hilariously unpredictable. “Churchill: The Hollywood Years” came out in 2004, and I had never heard of it until a few weeks ago. I ordered it from Amazon, and when it arrived, I was disappointed to see it was a Zone 2 disc.
So I ordered an All Zones Blu-Ray player. Now I can watch several movies I had ordered from England, including “Not Only But Always,” a BBC TV movie about Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. In addition, I can finally watch the six seasons of one of my favorite hospital shows, “Chicago Hope.” Oddly an American show that has never been released on DVD in the United States.
BASKETBALL SEASON, WAHOO!: There really aren’t all that many sports teams I care about anymore, but the University of Virginia basketball team is at the top of a short list.

Maybe the apex of my life as a sports fan was the 2019 NCAA basketball tournament, when Virginia made an amazing run to a national championship.
Three years later, who knows what kind of season it will be. But it starts tonight at John Paul Jones Arena, when the Wahoos host North Carolina Central.
I’m looking forward to it.
ELECTION DAY EVE: We vote tomorrow, and I am terrified that we will elect Herschel Walker to the Senate.
All I can do is vote.