“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential election results of 2020 OUT and declare the Rightful Winner, or do you have a new election. A massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great Founders did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Is there anything Donald Trump could say or do that would finally get the folks we call Trumpanzees to abandon him?

Apparently not his comment on his Truth Social website Saturday about throwing out all rules, regulations and articles and making him president again. Even though he posted it on his own website, two days later he was denying he said it and blaming Fake News.

And if two weeks ago he was having dinner with anti-Semites, Hitler lovers and white supremacists, so what?

I think I’ve finally figured it out, except for one minor blip.

Trump is an autocrat, a wannabe dictator and a Hitler admirer.

But he’s their autocrat, wannabe dictator and Hitler admirer.

Trump doesn’t like women, African-Americans or Jews.

Neither do they.

Don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying all Republicans fit into Trump’s basket of deplorables, but I am saying the mainstream Republicans see their America slipping away and they’re willing to suck up to the Trumpanzees to hang into power as long as they can.

I think it was Louis XV who said it best.

“Apres moi, le deluge.”

I think it was George W. Bush, who was more goofy than evil, who said it differently.

“I don’t know what history will say about us, but we’ll be dead so we won’t care.”

Of course Dick Cheney, who was more evil than goofy, said it differently on the Senate floor when confronted.

“Go fuck yourself.”

To be fair to Cheney, comparing his level of evil to Trump is like comparing Don Birnam to Charlie Oakley.

“Alex, I’ll take 1940s Movies for $400 …”

Is there anything Trump could do to make those who love him change their minds?

Well …

Could he molest and kill a 10-year-old girl?

He could probably escape that one. “Fake News, Fake News!”

Could he claim to be Jesus Christ reincarnated, sent back to earth to save America?

That one might actually be easier than the 10-year-old.

I actually think there is one thing he could do to destroy his following.

Trump has always bragged about the fact that he is a teetotaler, so he could simply …

Outlaw beer.

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