Should it surprise anyone that Vladimir Putin is a Trumpanzee, or at the very least a Republican?
Putin apparently wasn’t going to do anything like releasing Brittney Griner in time to give Joe Biden any kind of boost before last month’s midterm elections. He even strung it out past Tuesday’s runoff in Georgia, so Trump better not blame him that his favorite vampire/werewolf didn’t win.

Griner was imprisoned in Russia late last winter on drug charges for possession on pills and vaping materials that are legal in the United States. She became a pawn for Putin to use to pressure the U.S. over his invasion of Ukraine. The ultimate swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout, who has been in American custody since 2008, has been played up by Trumpanzee media as a terrible deal, trading a man known as the “Merchant of Death” for a basketball player.
Republicans are screaming, but let’s ask two questions.
- Does anyone really think this Bout guy is the only arms merchant in Putin’s world?
- Does the nickname mean anything at all? We could call Bout the Easter Bunny and make him sound less threatening. Or we could call him Son of Satan and make him sound worse. They’re just names.

Or we could have made him an even better offer.
Trump …and Klan Mom … and Gym Jordan … and Hunter’s laptop.
As long as he promises to keep all of them.
He can even have Matt Gaetz.