Today is a 10th anniversary, but I don’t think I can write about Sandy Hook without a horrible increase in anxiety and/or blood pressure.

So I’ll put and try something a little lighter.

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.”

Sorry, Bill, but I’m not sure I agree with that. Oh, I’ve got no problem with the roses, although if you called them dungblossoms, people might not be willing even to smell them.

But I certainly wonder how much history might have changed if certain historical figures had had parents who looked at life through a different lens.

Would the Germans have accepted Joe Bob Hitler as Der Fuehrer?

Would Jimmy Iscariot have betrayed Jesus?

For that matter, could Jose Christ have been the Messiah?

Could Harvey Churchill have led Britain through World War II?

Would Hubert Stalin have been a scary Russian dictator?

Would the old movie actor have gone on to be president if his name was Wilbur Reagan?

What if JFK had been Richard Milhous Kennedy?

I guarantee Cletus Trump would never have been president.

Melvin Limbaugh wouldn’t have had nearly as big a career on the radio.

Charles de Gaulle ruled France, but would Heinrich de Gaulle had been as successful?

Alexander the Great was one of the most successful conquerors of all time, but Clem the Great? Not so much.

Atilla the Hun scared millions more than Dave the Hun would have.

Ivan the Terrible, yes. Percy the Terrible, no.

Bruce Hussein would have gained far less power than Saddam Hussein.

There are no women’s names on the list. I tried, but must of them just didn’t ring true. I thought of Peggy Sue Rodham Clinton and Priscilla Taylor Greene, but I don’t know that either would have changed the person involved.

Maybe a hybrid.

How about Roman emperors Julia Caesar of Augusta Caesar?

Let’s stop here.

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