After yesterday’s Major Announcement, it’s nearly impossible to imagine Donald Trump as a serious candidate for president in 2024.

Trump’s announcement is that he’s going to sell digital, aka virtual trading cards to his fans for $99 each.

Especially with the implosion of the Bitcoin market, this might just be Trump’s ultimate test of P.T. Barnum’s “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

First off, $99 per card for cards that do not physically exist.

Second, the “cards” illustrate thinks from Trump’s life and career.


Forgive me if I can’t remember Don’s days as an Old West Sheriff, an astronaut or a NASCAR driver.

Forgive me if it seems like all the pictures are of the big guy at least 100 pounds lighter than he really is.

And I’m sorry I can’t stop laughing at the picture of Big Don pulling his shirt open to reveal a superhero costume underneath,

Actually I’m not sorry for laughing and I don’t need to be forgiven for failing to remember things that never happened.

I understand that there are people who hate liberals and despise Democrats, but for God’s sake, find a conservative who isn’t a conman to support.

Your boy Don has no redeeming qualities at all, and all he’s trying to do now is steal your money.

Check out the website. He’s already sneaking away from it.

That’s why it says “SOLD OUT” across the top.

And no, he has never been able to shoot lasers from his eyes.

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