Apparently Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are doing their best to wrap up the hard-core asshole vote for the 2024 election.
DeSantis put a pretty good score on the board a few weeks back when he had his people round would-be immigrants at the Mexican border, put them on airplanes and fly them to Martha’s Vineyard and leave them there.
This weekend, Abbott rounded up would-be immigrants at the border, but them on buses and delivered them to Washington, D.C., where many of them where dropped off at the vice-president’s official residence.
So who wins?
Give Abbott points for the imagery of Washington, D.C., and for involving the vice president. In addition, he gets credit for the cruelty of dropping people accustomed to the warmer climate of Mexico off in a winter blizzard.
Tough to beat, huh?

Well …
What Abbott did was horrific, but it loses asshole points for one reason. The Texas governor can at least claim he was moving immigrants who were trying to get into his state illegally.
DeSantis’ actions had nothing to do with Florida. He spent money out of the Florida state budget to cruelly movie people from Texas to Massachusetts, both a thousand miles or more from Florida.
In fact, if he were governor of a minority party, he would stand a pretty good of being impeached or recalled for spending all that money elsewhere.
That probably makes him the winner, although it’s close.

Don’t forget, though, that whether Abbott or DeSantis wins the hard-core asshole vote, it’s at best a semifinal.
The winner takes on the king of the assholes.
The winner gets Big Bad Don.