It takes someone with absolutely no shame or remorse to do what Donald Trump does.
He builds lies on lies, and even goes back on things he admitted to before. During the 2016 campaign, when the “grab them by the pussy” thing came out, Trump tried to dismiss it by saying it was just locker-room talk and besides, he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes.
Sadly, he was right. Even though it didn’t really matter, though, when some of Trump’s media toadies suggested that it hadn’t really been Trump saying it and someone had faked it to make him look bad, he agreed.
“It wasn’t me,” he said.
And now, with all the controversy over his $130,000 payoff to porn actress Stormy Daniels, now Trump is claiming he never had sex with her.

It wasn’t enough for Trump to claim he wasn’t a racist.
He claimed he was the least racist person on the planet.
In his campaign rally in Waco this weekend, it wasn’t enough for him to say he hadn’t committed any crimes and was being persecuted for political reasons.
No, Trump told his loving audience that he is “the most innocent man in the history of our country.”

The most repulsive part of it all is that too many of his followers see him as some sort of religious figure. There is nothing Trump has ever done in his career to make people believe he worships anyone other than himself. Remember, this is a guy who said in one of his books that being an atheist was a big advantage for him in doing business.
One thing truly difficult to comprehend about Trump is his complete lack of personal dignity. He’s like a guy who farts and blames it on the dog. He’s a guy who says he couldn’t have sexually assaulted a woman because she isn’t his type. He’s a guy who calls Daniels “horse face,” a guy who put out memes on the internet showing him with a baseball bat next to the head of the New York district attorney who’s investigating him.

Comedian Will Durst once joked about 1988 Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis saying all thinking Americans would vote for him. Durst said Dukakis must not have realized he needed a majority to win.
Trump understand that.
That’s why he loves the poorly educated … and they love him.