Reaction on the right to the indictment of former President Donald Trump has been anything but surprising.
The beloved lunatics of the Far Right — the Greenes, Gosars, Gaetzes and Boeberts — are blathering about how ridiculous it is to prosecute someone for having sex and essentially paying for it.
Gee, but I seem to remember only 25 years ago, while the Fantastic Four mentioned in the last paragraph weren’t around, there were certainly plenty of folks on the Far Right trying to punish a guy named Bill Clinton for having sex and other related sins.
Of course when you’re talking about politics, it all depends on whose Al is Gored.

The problem is, it might not just be about sex with Stormy Daniels and all that has grown out of it.
The grand jury that reportedly has indicted Trump on 30 counts has not yet released what those indictments are for. New York has been investigating Trump and his family for far more than just the Daniels and issues relating to her.
In fact, the Trump family has been accused of evading hundreds of millions of dollars in estate taxes by moving money from Daddy Fred to little Donnie illegally. If it turns out that’s what the indictments are about, Donnie might just be on a midnight plane to Georgia. The Georgia on the other side of the ocean.

In fact, it would be a huge surprise if Trump hasn’t already moved tens of millions of dollars offshore to finance what’s left of his life in a country that won’t extradite him to the United States.
It’s truly bizarre when you hear Trump supporters like Lindsey Graham say that indicting the former president makes it more likely that he will be elected president in 2024, something that makes no sense at all.
That isn’t even the strangest part of it all. I’m not sure there has ever been a serious candidate — let alone one who actually got elected — who said less about policies he hoped to pursue and specific goal than Trump has done in two campaigns and apparently is doing in a third.
“Make America Great Again.”
“We’ll win so much you’ll get tired of winning.”
The one saving grace in all this is that Trump will be 77 years old this June. He eats badly, he gets very little exercise and he’s morbidly obese. Between the law and nature, Trump might be in no shape to run for president in the fall of 2024.
The scariest part of it all is the damage he can do to the country is he hurries to the end of his relevance. He appeals to the worst instincts of people who aren’t getting anywhere and who resent the people who are.
His campaign slogan he rolled out recently might be the most hateful of anyone ever having a chance to win.
It’s going to be a truly horrible campaign, Trump or no Trump.