“If the white race is ever threatened, it may then be time for us to take our part in its protection, to fight side by side with the English, French, and Germans, but not with one against the other for our mutual destruction.”

Did people ever actually talk like this?

When was this, 200 years ago?

Actually, there are still people alive when the man considered America’s greatest living hero gave this speech to an America First rally in the autumn of 1939.

I have a friend who still occasionally uses the phrase “That’s mighty white of you,” but that’s only silly. It isn’t Charles Lindbergh explaining why it would be wrong for us to go to war with Adolf Hitler.

Lindbergh heils.

It might be difficult to understand now, but there once was a time when people who weren’t way out there on the wacko fringe actually cared about the White Race. And what’s perhaps even more disgusting about it is that these people were so far out there that they didn’t consider Jews as members of that race.

For all the fuss folks on the right trying to keep the history of racist Jim Crow laws in the South secret, the record in the so-called tolerant North is pretty horrible when it comes to anti-Semitism. As recently as the postwar era, there were all sorts of ways in which gentiles discriminated against jews.

It’s stunning to think there were hotels that wouldn’t accept jews, as well as country clubs, fraternities and neighborhoods with covenants against selling homes to jews. Businesses wouldn’t hire them either.

Even people who wouldn’t have considered themselves bigoted held all sorts of stereotypical views about jews and money. That’s why millions of Americans of German ancestry actually supported Hitler and his Nazi party in the years leading up to Pearl Harbor.

Sixty years to the day before 911, Lindbergh gave an even more horrific speech in Des Moines, Iowa. It was Sept. 11, 1941, and Lindbergh said no one wanted the U.S. to go to war with Germany other than the British government, the Roosevelt Administration and the Jews.

It certainly wasn’t that Lindbergh was a pacifist or even a true isolationist. He figured going to war with Japan, the “yellow danger,” was a good idea. But he believed we should stand together with Hitler to “preserve the most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood.”

I have never been able to comprehend white supremacy or even why people thought what race they were born to was anything more than a fluke. The genetic differences between races is small enough to be insignificant. Most of the differences in accomplishments or abilities can be chalked up to desire.

Asian students get better test scores than white kids?

They probably are studying harder.

Black kids are more successful at sports?

Maybe they’re working harder because the opportunity matters more.

The beat goes on, and as more and more marriages are between different races, so-called racial purity is dying out. The day will come when everyone is tan or beige and the Lindberghs and the rest will just look foolish.

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