I was listening to an interview with a few Trumpanzees outside the Miami courthouse the other day, and I swear I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

Either we are growing a crop of the most gullible people ever to live … or these people are just nuts.

One of them was babbling about how Donald Trump was really still the president and that an actor was playing President Biden. The real Biden, he said, was long dead.

I may be inconsolably old, but I remember a time when the last thing people wanted to do was look stupid, particularly if it meant looking stupid in front of large numbers of people.

I know people who believe some awfully silly things, but it is impossible for me to comprehend the type of people who would believe that an actor was playing the president, who was actually dead.

It does explain one thing. If people are this gullible. it explains how people accept some of the most ridiculous things Trump claims. It explains how he can demand not only that charges against him be dropped, but also that the government apologize for bringing charges and then — wait for it — return all the documents he had illegally brought with him when leaving Washington.

I blame it at least in part on the Internet.

There are certainly some wonderful things that the Net has done, but I have written before about the negative things. One of the worst has been how easy it has become for the crazies and the evil ones to get in touch with others like them., Instead of having horrific fantasies and thinking you must be evil for having them, you learn that there are plenty of other people like you.

And if you’re paranoid, instead of being soothed by other people, you run into people just like you and become even more paranoid. If you believe the government is out to control you for no real reason, you’ll meet plenty of people just like you.

Look at how many absolute crazies there are among elected officials on the right. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Kari Lake. It’s fascinating that the women seem to have stepped to the forefront in terms of publicity.

Greene was the first to get into the spotlight and Boebert followed, but both have image limitations. Greene is overly muscular and Boebert looks like a small-town skank. Her image is particular damaged y her failure to graduate from high school and the fact that she’s going to be a grandmother at age 35.

Lake is actually the scariest of the three. She benefits from being more attractive and feminine-looking than her counterparts, but she is a truly serious election denier. She still denies she lost her race for governor of Arizona and she appears to have her sights set on being Trump’s 2024 running mate.

But when it comes to denial, Lake is the queen. In the 2020 election, President Biden got 63 percent of the vote in California and defeated Trump by more than 5 million votes. Some idiot named Greg Rubini said it was massive election fraud that gave Biden the state and Trump actually carried all of California except liberal San FRancisco.

Rubini is a moron.

The map he showed was from 1984, when Ronald Reagan crushed Walter Mondale. Even in 2016, when Trump won the presidency, he lost California to Hillary Clinton by more than 4.2 million votes.

To be fair, he might not actually be a moron, but what he is really is a fanatic who knows he is dealing with morons..

I don’t think there are enough morons to put Trump back into office, but there are certainly enough to make Congress a problem.

And that could make the next few years fairly awful, no matter who is in the White House.

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