There’s a old saying I always hated.
“If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.”
It may be at least somewhat accurate, but it’s unfortunate because dogs are among the most noble creatures in our world.
Still …
One similar thought that is appropriate here is that if you get involved with Donald Trump, your life turns to crap.
And when enough people get involved with Trump, America turns to crap.
It has been more than eight years since Trump came down the escalator and told the waiting crowd that he and only he could Make America Great Again.

As difficult as it is to believe, Trump caught on and was elected for three reasons, two of which had little to do with him. The only reason that had to do with him was that he was an extremely skillful con man whose entire career was getting people to believe he was something he wasn’t.
The other two reasons?
Well, Trump was someone people knew from TV, mostly a show creating a false image of Trump as a competent, dignified businessman.
Plus, no one really liked his opponent.
Too many people failed to see how much of a complete disaster it would be to allow Trump anywhere near the White House. I had an otherwise intelligent friend who didn’t vote for Trump but said he was just a typical politician and his female opponent was the embodiment of evil.
He was in the right neighborhood, but he got it backward.
Trump turned things to crap and he’s back to make things even worse.

And his return brings back so many of the old crowd — Rudy Giuliani, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mike Lindell and Kari Lake, to name a few.
In the months after the 911 attacks, Giuliani was a hero. America’s Mayor.
Now he’s a joke.
Lindell made millions selling his goofy pillows, but fell for Trump hard and has thrown away most of his money trying to prove the 2020 election was stolen.
Another joke.
Greene was elected to Congress from the hillbilly part of Georgia in the same election Trump lost, ad she has been a disruptive force in Congress ever since.
Another joke.
And then there’s Lake, perhaps the biggest joke of them all.
She was an anchor for a local TV station in Phoenix and she quit to run for governor of Arizona in 2022. Her big issue was that the presidential election had been stolen in Arizona and nationally in 2020. Of course she lost, but has refused to admit it and claims she is actually the governor of Arizona.
Not just a joke, a lunatic.
Piers Morgan nailed her in a televicion interview last night.
It doesn’t matter, though.
She’s playing to an audience. of one — and I’m sure he loved it.
Until he dumps her and she joins the list of people whose lifew turns to crap.