This one might surprise you.

Heck, it might even shock you.

Anyone who is a regular reader knows there are a lot of Republicans for whom I have no use at all, and one who is pretty close to the top of that list is one district away from being my representative in Congress.

Marjorie Taylor Greene would never make it to the top as long as Donald Trump is wasting oxygen. Indeed, Lauren Boebert, who practically defines trailer trash, has pretty well locked up the top spot on the female side of the ledger.

Still, it wouldn’t bother me a bit if Greene had never been born.

Crooks and Liars is one of my favorite political websites, largely because of the way they go after the rabid right relentlessly. They’ve been having fun with Boebert’s Beetlejuice escapades, but when I checked this afternoon, they were laughing at Greene for a mistake she had made.

Today was the holiest day in the Jewish religion — Yom Kippur.

The day of atonement.

On her X (formerly Twitter) account, she wished the Jewish people well.

Two problems.

The most obvious is the menorah, which represents Hanukkah in the Jewish faith. Sort of the equivalent of wishing a Christian happy easter with a Christmas tree.

The other mistake is “Gamar Chasima Tova,” The correct phrase is “G’mar Chatima Tova,” which wishes a Jewish person a good final sealing in the book of life.

OK, two mistakes.

Hyuk hyuk hyuk, the hillbilly messed up.

Except more than funny, this just seems sort of mean. I don’t see anything in Greene’s post making fun of judaism. She didn’t wish anyone a Happy Yom Kippur. The menorah is presented respectfully, and the shofar at the bottom 0f the picture is entirely appropriate. It’s a traditional horn blown to signify the end of Yom Kipper.

There are few things I can imagine that would make me like Rep. Greene, but let’s be fair.

She doesn’t deserve to be ridiculed for this.

There’s your surprise.

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