There may not be a person in America that MAGA Republicans fear more than Taylor Swift.
An awful lot of them have been hearing her name lately and asking, “Who the hell is Taylor Swift?”
Well, she’s 33 years old, one of the most popular singers out there and is already worth about $750 million dollars.

Worst of all for the MAGA type and the rest of the Trumpanzees, Swift has made it a personal crusade to register young people to vote. In just one weekend last month, she got more than 35,000 young people to register.
There’s just no worse news for the ‘zees.
Trump himself, continuing to say the inside words outside, said recently in Pennsylvania that the more people who vote, the less chance he has to win. He may be the most dishonest person ever to draw breath, sometimes he tells the truth in spite of himself.
It’s the same for Republicans. The only way they win most elections anymore is to keep the people who want to vote against them from voting at all. In 2018, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp won his election for governor by 50,000 votes thanks to removing 350,000 African-American voters from the rolls.

As the numbers got worse and worse against Republicans, they will do everything they can to hang onto power, and with criminals like Trump that will mean looking for excuses not to hold elections.
Yes, time’s a wasting.
And it’s people like Swift getting the younger generations into what it means to be Americans.
You go, girl.