“It’s one way to bring people to this recognition…that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events.”

What’s the one thing in the world someone could believe that ought to disqualify him from holding high office, particularly in the line of presidential succession?

For lack of a better way of saying it, that Jesus had a pet dinosaur.

I’m talking about so-called Young Earth Creationists.

These people believe God created the universe in six 24-hour days 6,000 years ago and that man has been around since that first week along with all the other animals.

In other words, “The Flintstones” was a documentary.

You’re probably asking what intelligent person could possibly believe that. Well, Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana, the new speaker of the House, believes it. In fact, he’s the one quoted at the beginning of this piece praising Ken Ham and his gigantic Noah’s Ark replica in Kentucky.

Now that was some years back. Maybe you’re thinking, well, he must have matured beyond that ridiculousness.

Think again.

The lunatics who believe in the 6,000 years stuff have one of their standard answers for those intelligent enough to question them.

“How do you know how old the Earth is? Were you there?”

Well, someone almost old enough to be there — no, not Bob Dole — doesn’t agree with them, and that was a pleasant shock for me.

Yes, even the late Pat Robertson disagreed with the Young Earth Creationists.

“We have skeletons of dinosaurs that go back 65 million years,” Robertson said. “To say it all dates back to 6,000 years is just nonsense, and I think [it’s] time we come off of that stuff, and say this isn’t possible. Let’s be real; let’s not make a joke of ourselves.”

Who would have thought I would ever have quoted ol’ Pat in a positive way?

Thanks to the slim Republican majority in the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson is now second in the line of presidential succession behind Vice President Kamala Harris. If that doesn’t scare you, it certainly should.

The new Speaker is someone who put a lot of effort into helping Donald Trump try to steal the 2020 presidential election, and if Republicans hold the House in the 2024 election, he’ll be in a much stronger position actually to make it happen.

As for the Young Earthers, the late great comedian Bill Hicks had his say. (ignore the Polish subtitles)

He nailed it.

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