Some of the things Donald Trump says are completely frightening, and I’m not talking about the horrible authoritarian remarks he has made.
Yes, he has sounded more and more like Adolf Hitler.
That’s not what matters here.

On November 4th, just before heading up to New York to testify in his civil trial, Trump spoke to a rally of Trumpanzees and made the most outrageous election claim he has yet made.
Trump told his disciples that he had not only beaten Joe Biden in 2020, he had carried all 50 states.
All 50 states, including California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Vermont and the District of Columbia, all jurisdictions in which Biden received more than 60 percent of the vote. He won California by more than five million votes and New York by roughly two million.
Here’s the problem with that.
An awful lot of people who love Trump and attend his rallies believe whatever he says. He said he obviously carried all 50 states because he received 12 million more votes than he had against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Of course he lost the popular vote in that election by three million votes, and Biden received 16 million more votes in 2020 than Clinton had received four years earlier.
It’s insane for Trump to say he carried all 50 states. Even the two biggest states he did win — Texas and Florida — went to him by a combined total of about a million votes, compared to seven million for Biden in his biggest two.
So just for now, forget the fascism, Christian nationalism and authoritarianism coming from his mouth.
Just try and remember one thing.
The man is a lunatic.