When you hear so-called Christians — explanation in a minute — talk about the presidents they love, the first two names that came to mind followed very few of the teachings of Christ.
And the president many of them wrongfully call the worst ever may be the most Christian man ever to serve as president.
First, let me explain “so-called.”
I have attended churches in Christian denominations for more than 70 years, the first 40 of them Protestant services and the last 30 Catholic Masses. I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I believe he is the Son of God, that he died for our sins and that he was resurrected. I sum it up by the last lines of the Nicene Creed.
“He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.”
If you ask me my favorite Bible verse, that’s easy.
“For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16.
But if someone were so tell me that well, that makes me a Christian, I’d say no.
I’d tell them I consider Christ my savior.
I’d say I believe without exception in the teachings of Christ.
I’d say you can call me a Roman Catholic, but don’t call me a Christian, not the way so many on the right are using the term these days.
I don’t hate gay people.
I don’t think women should be subordinate to men.
And I definitely don’t agree with the modern televangelists like Joel Osteen that if you’re a good Christian, God wants you to be rich.
What do I believe? That’s a fair question. I’ll start with what Christ himself said are the two great commandments.
First, love God with all your heart and soul and mind.
Second, love your neighbor as yourself.

With those two things in mind, I can think of one man in my lifetime who has occupied the White House and deserves to be called a true follower of Christ. He was married to the same woman and faithful to her for 77 years. It has been nearly 43 years since he left the White House and he has led a righteous life.
One thing you will never hear anyone say — “Jimmy Carter swindled me in a business deal.”
By that same token, the man modern “Christians” love so much has never been the subject of this one — “Donald Trump bent over backwards to give me a fair deal.”

Some years back, Trump was asked his favorite Bible verse. He responded with a verse that wasn’t even from the New Testament — and he completely misunderstood it. He cited the verse from Leviticus 24 about giving an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, etc. Then he said that when someone hurt him, he returned the hurt 10 times as hard.
Actually, though, Leviticus was about proportional response. If someone punches you in the eye, you don’t cut off their testicles.
Trump doesn’t go to church or read the Bible. You may have heard that the book he had on his bedside table was “Mein Kampf.”
Big shuck, huh?
The other icon these folks loved is Ronald Reagan, another one who didn’t much follow the teachings of Christ. Reagan believed rich people shouldn’t have to pay too much in taxes.
What did Jesus believe?

Jimmy Carter didn’t give everthing away, but if you look at the fact that he and wife Rosalynn were still helping build houses for Habitat for Humanity well into their 90s, that ought to tell you something.
And the funny thing is, as historians gain perspective on the past, Jimmy Carter’s presidency looks better and better. Especially when it comes to the Middle East, Carter is the only president who ever really accomplished anything that mattered.
Ancient enemies Israel and Egypt have been at peace for 45 years, thanks at least in part due to a true Christian president.