Remember when Mr. Republican referred to Russia as the Evil Empire?
Remember his open-mike joke about saying he had signed legislation outlawing Russia and that the bombing would begin in 10 minutes?
Yes, Ronald Reagan has been dead for nearly 20 years and it has been nearly 35 years since he left the White House. And the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics no longer exists, but that doesn’t mean the remnants aren’t still dangerous.

Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t just a throwback to the commissars. If Putin had his way, he’d be a throwback to the Romanovs. In fact, Putin has said many times that he considers the fall of the USSR as a great tragedy and he would love to see the return of his country to its previous status as one of the world’s two great powers.
During the height of the Cold War, American generals used to say their greatest fear strategically was a Russian Hitler, a strongman who desired world conquest.
A megalomaniac.
Then imagine something that would have compounded the problem. Imagine Cold War Russia threatening the world and the only real counterbalance against it is the MAGA Republicans of present day.

American Trumpanzees are working to let Putin have his way in Ukraine by blocking aid to embattled Ukraine. They justify it by saying Ukraine was part of the USSR anyway and our priorities should be on our southern border. Besides, they believe that once Putin gets Ukraine, he won’t make any other territorial demands.
Paging Neville Chamberlain …
Neville who?
And there’s a big part of the MAGA problem. No sense of history at all. The only Neville most of the MAGAs know is Neville Longbottom from the Harry Potter series, and if they were characters in the Potter books, they would be quick to appease Lord Voldemort.
It is difficult to believe that a political party that built its entire image from the 1940s through the 1980s on opposing Russia and communism now says Russia isn’t the problem. Donald Trump was little more than a Russian stooge during his term in office, and he spoke often about doing the one thing Putin wanted the most — U.S. withdrawal from the NATO alliance.

Basically, Trump wants to be Putin’s Mussolini.
Do Republicans want to be his Italy? I’m pretty sure Democrats don’t.