Who would have figured it would be so easy to embarrass House Republicans?
Anybody with half a brain. The president’s son Hunter Biden certainly humiliated the Trumpanzees in Congress today. They have been going back and forth with him for months, demanding that he testify before the House Judiciary Committee about some trumped-up charges.
Biden said he would be glad to testify — as long as the hearing was open to the public. The ‘zees in Congress were demanding it be a closed session, which would enable them to control what information would be released.
Biden objected to that, saying he had nothing to hide and he didn’t want Republicans telling people only what they wanted them to know.
Tough to imagine how that would make them look good.
At any rate, they were holding an open session today and getting ready to cite the younger Biden for contempt of Congress for refusing to appear.
Then Hunter Biden showed up … and said he was absolutely willing to testify on the spot.

You want me, he said. You’ve got me.
Let’s do this.
Of course the ‘zees refused. The only way they want Biden on the stand is if they can control the information that gets out. Amazingly, after they told him he didn’t get to decide when to testify and he left, they went ahead and voted along party lines to find him guilty of contempt for refusing to testify.
Say what?

Remember when there used to be at least a few Republicans who cared about doing what was right? Not this year. Anything that doesn’t help their master Donald steal his way back into the White House won’t get done.
It’ll be interesting to see how the media translates this into their traditional “both sides-ism.” When he was told he wouldn’t be allowed to testify, Biden got up and left.
Our own Klan Mom, Marjorie Taylor Greene, had started speaking when he left. She jumped in and said, “Apparently you’re afraid of my words. What a coward.”
He wasn’t the coward.
Or the moron.