I really didn’t have any intention of writing about Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech today.
I fully expected that it would be an OK speech, but it would be mild enough and with enough stumbles and gaffes that nobody would be all that excited about it. After all, under the heading of worthless stats, we’re told that more than 50 percent of Democrats think Handsome Joe is too old to be president.
Boy was I wrong.

First off, that worthless stat.
I mean, in the right mood I suppose I might say a man who would be 86 years old before a second term ended is too old to be president. I’ve said before that I would never choose to vote for someone older than I am for president. I’ll be 75 before the end of the year, and President Biden is significantly older than I am.
That’s one reason I wasn’t for him in 2020 until he wrapped up the nomination. I would have preferred to see Amy Klobuchar or Pete Buttigieg as the Democrats’ nominee, but once it came down to a choice between Biden or Donald Trump, it became a choice between too old or too evil.
I guess there should have been a choice that said Biden might be too old but I’ll vote for him anyway.
After all, he’s still running against the same guy.

And sadly, he still has to deal with the same ridiculous mass media Democrats are faced with in every election. There are three different ways in which they cause problems for Democrats.
First, there are those on the left for who bend over backward to show right-wing claims about a “liberal media” just aren’t true.
Second, there are those on the right — Fox, talk radio, internet sites — who don’t let the truth prevent them from supporting their candidates.
Third and most insidious are the media. mostly in television, who more than anything else want good ratings. They’re the ones who do whatever they can to make the leader look less like a sure thing and to make the trailer look like he or she has a real chance.

That’s why Biden’s performance Thursday night was so good. People could argue that it was angry or mean or partisan, but they couldn’t say Biden was tired or feeble.
He kicked ass.
It’s a long way to November, but our “too old” president won’t be the pushover Trump has been expecting.