In 2015, before he came down the golden escalator and offered himself as a savior, Donald Trump invited evangelicals to meet with him in his office. Most of them were second-generation types like Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr. Trump told them he had had a conversion experience and was dedicating his life to Jesus.

This was of course wonderful news to them and Graham, whose father Billy was pretty much the only reason Frankie wasn’t pumping gas, told reporters, They believed him, as Franklin Graham, publicly said: ““I think there’s no question that he believes.”

Of course, when his meeting with the deeply gullible was over, Trump went to the office of his attorney Michael Cohen and said, “Can you believe that they believe that bullshit?”

It is truly amazing that he is so successful at fooling people who want desperately to believe. Many people have Bibles of their bedside table so they can study the word of God before going to sleep.

Trump’s first wife, who he buried on a golf course, said he had one book on his bedside table — the collected speeches of Adolf Hitler.

When he was asked to say which Bible verse best summed up his philosophy, he went to Leviticus and said “an eye for an eye.”

Someone asked him what his favorite book in the Bible is and he said they were all wonderful. I would bet a lot of money he couldn’t name 10 of the 66 books in the Protestant Bible. After all, the one time he did name a book, he said it was “Two Corinthians.”

There’s a hilarious meme showing Jesus hugging Trump in the Oval Office.

What’s even funnier about it is that apparently some Trumpanzees were offended by the meme and posted it with a big yellow “FAKE” sticker on it. They were afraid people might think their boy had really stolen Christ’s wallet. If he had, he would have been disappointed to learn Jesus had given whatever money he had to the poor.

Strangely enough, Don the Con has not been good for Christianity. Church attendance in Iowa, a strong evangelical state that loves Trump, had declined 10 percent in the last decade.

Maybe God really does work in mysterious ways.

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