I wrote just the other day about Nick Fuentes wanting to execute non-Christians and Charlie Kirk putting the lives of frozen embryos over those of existing children.
Now Steve Bannon is saying that people who don’t stand up for Donald Trump should go to prison.
Anyone doubting that the stakes are much higher than normal in the 2024 presidential election had better wake up and smell the Bannon.

It’s hard to believe that a political figure might be best known for poor personal hygiene, but that could just be a way of disguising the fact that he is a truly dangerous man politically.
He’s the darling of white supremacists and Christian nationalists, and he has been one of the main reasons those types love Trump so much.
I’m convinced that Trump — and all the others sucking at the sow’s teats — came along at a time when the American right wing essentially lost its mind. Think about what has happened since 2000 in this country. An African-American president, legalization of same-sex marriage, a woman nominated for president, just to name three things.
Add that to earlier developments like women’s rights, legalized abortion, bans on mandatory school prayer and it’s no real surprise that the tighty righty whities have no problem ar all with the possibility of fascism.

Of course, Bannon is scary enough that Trump could be akin to the guy who went riding out on a tiger in the morning only to return inside the tiger in the evening. So Dear Leader Don knows he needs to stay in line.
I will never believe that there are enough Christian nationalists and white supremacists in this country to win national elections, so the key to this year’s election might be the folks in the middle who don’t believe Trump is really a fascist.
As I said earlier, they need to wake up and smell Steve Bannon.
These folks can only take the country away if we give it to them.